
7th Annual Team HBV Collegiate Conference Agenda
November 6 – 8, 2015
Stanford University, Stanford, CA    

FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 2015 - Still accepting Sign-ups here!

Attire: Team HBV Shirts

6:00 – 9:00 Conference Registration, 9:00 - 11:00 Hotel Check-in

6:00 Team Building and Meet & Greet

7:00 Welcome & Dinner     
Annie Hu, Team HBV at Stanford University Officers
Francis Loh and Gerry Zhang, Co-Chairs, Team HBV Advisory Board (ABoard)

8:00 Intercollegiate Outreach Project (IOP) Introduction
Gerry Zhang & Vivi Tam, Co-Chair & Outreach Advisor, Team HBV ABoard

9:00 Social Mixer

11:00 Check-in to Hotel


Attire: Business Casual

8:15 Breakfast

8:45 Welcoming Remarks
Annie Hu, Team HBV at Stanford
Francis Loh & Gerry Zhang, Co-Chairs, Team HBV Advisory Board

9:00 Keynote Speech: “A Vision of Team HBV – Then and Now”
Amanda Wong, MD, co-Founder of Team HBV, Resident in Family & Community Medicine, UCSF

10:30 Keynote Speech 2 + Panel: “The Year in Review, The State of HBV, and The Year Ahead”
Samuel So, MD, Lui Hac Minh Professor of Surgery, Stanford University

11:45 Discussion I: Leadership, Jump-Starting Team HBV
Small group discussions led by Advisory Board members 

12:00 IOP Mini Discussion

12:15 Lunch

1:00 Presentation: HBV Projects in China
Xiaojun Yan, Team HBV China, Asian Liver Center at Peking University PM

2:30 Workshop 1: Team-Building Workshop
Henry Huang

3:00  Workshop II:
“Hacking Idea Generation” - Francis Loh
“Culture of Competition: Young Innovators” - Samba Njie
"The U in leadership” - Gerry Zhang

3:30 Discussion 2: Chapter Problem-solving + Creative Tactics
Small group discussions led by Advisory Board members

3:45 Workshop III
“Developing Future Leaders in Public Health”, Team HBV at Harvard

“Jump-Starting your Chapter”, Henry Li and Vivi Tam

“”, Team HBV at UCLA

4:15 IOP

6:15 Performance by assorted Stanford performance groups

7:00-Late Free Time and IOP Discussions 


Attire: Business Casual

8:30 Breakfast

9:00 "A Year in Review for High School Team HBV"
Kavya Tewari and Cindy Won, Co-Chairs, High School Team HBV Advisory Board

9:30 IOP Presentations
Presentations by individual groups to be voted upon for implementation.

12:30 Farewell Address
Francis Loh and Gerry Zhang, Co-Chairs, Team HBV Advisory Board

1:00 Lunch

2:00 Conference Conclusion


Organized by National Team HBV Advisory Board for Chapter Representatives
Hosted by Team HBV at Stanford 

Conference: The Stanford Asian Liver Center, Google Maps
Hotel: Hilton Garden Inn, Google Maps

Friday, 6pm PST, November 6th - Sunday, 2pm PST, November 8th.

Most important events are on Saturday and Sunday morning, so try to have your arrival times contain those!

Conference Attendee To-Do List:
    1. Check with your chapter and figure out how many will attend.

    2. Book your tickets for the conference, checking the dates. We subsidize     up to $250 per chapter (up to $150 in-state) for travel.  The $50 registration     fee (paid at registration desk) includes hotel, as well as 5 meals.  It does not include Saturday dinner.  If flying,     we recommend flying in to SFO.

    3. Register for the conference here, including relevant contact information.

What to bring:
Clothing: Team HBV Shirt, Dress shirt
Funding: $50 conference attendance fee, Extra funds for food and travel (outside of subsidy)


How does Conference funding work?
The fee for conference registration is $50.  This goes toward covering costs for 2 nights of hotel, 5 meals, as well conference set-up costs. It does not cover Saturday dinner. The Asian Liver Center and Team HBV subsidizes up to $250 per non-California chapter for travel and up to $150 per California chapter for travel.

What's the process for re-imbursement?

1) Please book your flight.  Retain ALL receipts, making sure the receipt contains: Passenger Full Name, Flight From Where to Where, Flight Dates, How Much?

2) On the day of the conference, pick up a reimbursement form and fill it out.  Please fill this out and scan this and your receipt and email to, CC, with email titled, "2015 Collegiate Conference Reimbursement".  This must be done within 2 weeks for you to receive reimbursement.

3) Payment will be paid via  bank deposit or check.

I do/don't have a Team HBV Shirt.  Do I get a T-Shirt?
If you have already have a T-Shirt, please bring it and wear it on Frdiay.  If you don't have one, we'll give you one at registration!

Can I arrive early or late to the conference?
Yes, but of course we'd love to see you there for the whole time!  If you are planning on attending, you should definitely be present for all day Saturday.  Please let us know when you'll be arriving at

What should I actually do when arriving?
Plan to arrive to the Stanford Asian Liver Center at 780 Welch Road, Palo Alto on Friday afternoon or evening.  Sign in at the registration desk and pay your registration fee.  We will have space to leave your luggage, but if you would like to go to the hotel first to freshen up, you can do that too.  Evening activities will commence, all of which are based at the Asian Liver Center, and after their conclusion, we will gather our luggage and all travel to the hotel.

Where is the sign-up link?

Who do I contact if I have questions?


How to get there:
    The ALC’s address (where the conference is) is located at 780 Welch Road, Palo Alto, CA. We anticipate having access to several cars. Most conference transport will be conducted using these cars, Uber, and public transport. Depending on attendees’ arrival to SFO, we may arrange a car to pick up arrivals from SFO on Friday.

By Car:
An Uber is ~$40 from SFO, 30 mins without traffic.

By SuperShuttle:
18 dollars per person, +10 dollars per additional person (booking together is cheaper) Stanford code: T9X58

By Public Transport:
From SFO Airport: $9.50, Google Maps, 1.5 hours. Please see this unofficial Stanford guide to travel.
BART and Caltrain are essentially different train lines.

On campus transport:

    Marguerite (shopping express takes you to University Ave.)
    Campus Map

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Stanford University Visitor Information


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